7 August 2007 @ 18:155 months with Speck
I’ve had my Speck MacBook hard case for five months now, and I can say without a doubt that it is a great accessory for anyone who values their MacBook. I received it as a gift from my fiancĂ© (who, by the way, is great at giving geeky gifts).
I wasn’t sure initially how it would hold up to constantly sliding in and out of my laptop bag and brushing across the bag’s zipper. It has held up remarkably well and shows few, if any scratches. Even if it had accumulated some scratches, I would still say that it was well worth it to protect the MacBook itself from the scratches.
Having not seen one in person until I received mine, I wasn’t sure if the Speck hard case offered any protection for the palm rests and trackpad of the MacBook. Unfortunately, it only protects the outside of the MacBook, but that is where a laptop really takes its beatings anyway.
My only complaint is, that the mini-DVI video adapter doesn’t seem to fit all the way into the port without a little extra pressure. Nevertheless, it is still functional.
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in accessories, apple, macbook | Link to this