7 August 2007 @ 15:53Apple’s new iMac

The new iMacThe new iMacs look great, in my opinion. Yeah, I know that they aren’t extremely different from the previous generation. Each generation seems to become simpler while also becoming more powerful. Becoming more powerful is a given in the computer industry, but some companies only improve on the inside of their computers while maintaining the same exterior. This is one of the many differences between Apple and other computer makers.

In addition to the iMac redesign, Apple also redesigned their keyboard. The new design is a low-profile layout similar to the MacBook keyboards with the USB ports on either side serving as the rear feet.

Also of note, iLife ’08 was announced and is shipping today. It includes updates to all applications in the iLife suite and the addition of Numbers, a spreadsheet companion application to Pages.

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by | 1 comment | Posted in apple, ilife, imac | Link to this


  1. Iveta | 07 Aug 2007 @ 17:35 #

    I agree with you. They do look great!

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