31 August 2007 @ 14:55iTunes to Stop Selling NBC Television Shows
Apple issued a press release stating that they will not be selling the upcoming season of NBC television shows that start airing in September. Apple would not agree to NBC’s price hike which would result in a price of $4.99 per episode. Ouch! Currently NBC’s episodes are priced at $1.99 each.
Let’s do some math. NBC’s proposed price of $4.99/episode x 24 episodes = $119.76 for Season 3 of The Office.
Can anyone explain to me why I would pay almost $120 for small versions of 24 episodes of The Office, when I can buy The Office (season 3) on DVD for $31.99?
The current iTunes price of $1.99/episode x 24 episodes = $47.76 . I can understand paying a small premium to download a “newly aired” episode, but almost 4 times the price of the season DVD.
NBC is getting greedy if you ask me.
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in apple, itunes | Link to this