25 October 2007 @ 11:15FileMaker and Leopard
FileMaker, Inc has a note on their site recommending that FileMaker 9 users not upgrade to Leopard yet. Compatibility updates are currently being worked on.
We are very excited about the release of Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5). We are currently working on Leopard compatibility updates for FileMaker Pro 9, FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced, FileMaker Server 9 and FileMaker Server 9 Advanced. At this time FileMaker does not recommend the use of FileMaker 9 products on computers running Mac OS X Leopard.
If you would like to be notified when these updates become available, please subscribe to FileMaker News.
We also do not recommend the use of earlier versions of FileMaker software on Mac OS X Leopard as we have not performed compatibility testing.
Update: FileMaker has revealed the known issues:
- The Instant Web Publishing feature does not work.
- On Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5), each language version of FileMaker Pro 9 and FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced works only when the Mac OS System Preference “International Formats Region” is set to a specific region. For example, the English language version of FileMaker works only when the region is United States. It does not work when the region is United Kingdom, or Australia, or France, or any other region. Click here for more information.
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in bugs, mac | Link to this