6 November 2007 @ 18:18Backup Your Crontabs Before Installing Leopard
If you are using cron for anything at all, then you should backup your crontabs before installing Leopard.
You can backup your own crontab with this command:
crontab -l > ~/crontab_backup.txt
To restore your backup crontab after upgrading:
crontab ~/crontab_backup.txt
You may also want to backup your root crontab if you have edited it:
sudo crontab -l > ~/crontab_backup_root.txt
To restore your backup root crontab after upgrading:
sudo crontab ~/crontab_backup_root.txt
Update: This hint explains that crontabs in 10.4 and earlier were stored in /var/cron/tabs however, in 10.5, they are now stored in /usr/lib/cron/tabs.
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in apple, leopard, mac | Link to this