12 November 2007 @ 16:51Fix Timbuktu in Leopard
I’m using Timbuktu v8.0.1 in Leopard, and I noticed that after installing Leopard, the Timbuktu Host no longer starts up after a reboot.
Here is the quick and dirty fix for that:
If you are comfortable editing your root crontab, then simply add the following line to it:
@reboot /bin/sleep 60; /Applications/Timbuktu\ Pro/Timbuktu\ Pro.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Timbuktu\ Host.app/Contents/MacOS/Timbuktu\ Host > /dev/null 2>&1
If you prefer, you can use the following as a shell script to get your crontab set up:
echo "@reboot /bin/sleep 60; /Applications/Timbuktu\ Pro/Timbuktu\ Pro.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Timbuktu\ Host.app/Contents/MacOS/Timbuktu\ Host > /dev/null 2>&1" > tmpcron
echo "" >> tmpcron
sudo crontab tmpcron
rm tmpcron
Or if you just want a simple one-line command to get Timbuktu to start at boot, try this:
echo "@reboot /bin/sleep 60; /Applications/Timbuktu\ Pro/Timbuktu\ Pro.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Timbuktu\ Host.app/Contents/MacOS/Timbuktu\ Host > /dev/null 2>&1" > tmpcron; echo "" >> tmpcron; sudo crontab tmpcron; rm tmpcron
Copy and paste the above text into the Terminal, press return, enter your admin password when prompted, and press return again. That’s all.
Note: I haven’t tested this with any other versions of Timbuktu.
Apparently, Timbuktu Pro 8.7 for Leopard is a free upgrade to all registered users of version 8.
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in leopard | Link to this