13 December 2007 @ 15:01Top 10 reasons IT won’t support the iPhone
Fortune has a blog titled “Top 10 reasons IT won’t support the iPhone“, which have to point out is incorrectly titled. The should be — “Top 10 reasons Forrester recommends that IT not support the iPhone”. There’s no need to gloss over the true intent of your article, Philip.
While there are some valid points, you have to remember that the iPhone is still a first revision and only about 6 months old. I believe that Apple fully intends the iPhone to penetrate the corporate market, and are working on the hurdles to do so right now.
One big step in the right direction will be when Apple releases the iPhone SDK and allows third-party applications on the iPhone. The developer community has shown great promise in creating innovative and useful applications for the iPhone.
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in iphone | Link to this