17 December 2007 @ 14:54QuickBooks users, Beware
If you are a user of QuickBooks for Mac, beware that there is a problem with the latest update for QuickBooks 2006 and 2007. The updater is showing a “not enough free space” message (regardless if enough free space actually exists – and keep in mind, this appears to be a 100K update), if the user then clicks “OK” – the result is that any documents, files or folders that were stored on the desktop are then deleted – and as of right now, no simple recovery method appears to exist.
For now, it is recommended to turn off QuickBooks’ automatic updates. This can be done one of two ways.
Type in terminal:
defaults write com.intuit.QuickBooks2006 QBCheckForUpdatesKey NO
substitute 2006 for 2007 if necessary.
Then hit Return
Then Quit Terminal
Open the file com.intuit.QuickBooks2006.plist in Users/~your user/Library/Preferences and with Property Editor set the flag for QBCheckForUpdatesKey to Boolean “No”
save and quit Property Editor. (again, substitute 2006 for 2007 if necessary)
Thanks to TUAW for the tips.
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in bugs, mac, software | Link to this