16 January 2008 @ 13:25iTunes Rentals – Viewable Time Is Too Short
24 hours to watch a movie rental from start to finish is way too short, in my opinion. I don’t know how many times I have fallen asleep before a movie is over, and only get back to the movie at the same time the next night. By then, my time would be expired on an iTunes movie rental.
(cc) You have thirty (30) days after downloading a movie to begin viewing. Once you begin viewing, you have twenty-four (24) hours to view the movie (the “Viewing Period”). You may view the movie an unlimited number of times during the Viewing Period. Movies are not viewable after the thirty (30) day period. Stopping, pausing or restarting a movie does not extend the available time for viewing.(#)
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in apple, itunes | Link to this