26 January 2008 @ 9:47Member kicked off iPhone Dev Team for release of jailbreak 1.1.3

It turns out that the release of the iPhone v1.1.3 jailbreak resulted in iPhone Dev Team member Nate True’s expulsion from the Team. The v1.1.3 was released against the team’s wishes due to its use of Apple copyrighted materials.

NateTrue has recently leaked a v1.1.3 Jailbreak without the Dev-Team’s permission, getting himself kicked off the team. Against our wishes, he’s included both files belonging to Apple and patches which contain copyrighted information by Apple, making his personal release illegal and unethical. This is directly contrary to the spirit of true hacking, honorable competition, and sharing of knowledge. He’s a disgrace to developers everywhere. I’d like to strongly advise against using his system for upgrading, and make it known that the rest of the dev team does not support software piracy or copyright infringement. The method the Dev Team was/is planning on releasing allows you to perform the jailbreak without violating federal law. (via Jonathan Zdziarski)

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