27 January 2008 @ 12:34No Country For Old Men
I just saw No Country for Old Men last week, and it now ranks up there with my all-time favorite movies. I have always been a fan of the Coen brothers’ body of work, which is often classified as “dark humor”. No Country For Old Men is definitely dark, but with only small amounts of humor.
No Country For Old Men has almost no musical score whatsoever, and as a result, it brings the viewer closer to the story. As in life we have no music to warn us of an upcoming suspenseful situation.
Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, and Josh Brolin all deliver outstanding performances. Josh Brolin comes across as a truly likable “good-ol boy”, capable of handling any situation that comes along. Brolin has come a long way since Goonies, and until recently, I hadn’t taken much notice of his work. Jones plays a part that he plays best, an easy going but wise old sheriff. I never tire of seeing Tommy Lee Jones play roles such as this. Javier Bardem is a relative newcomer to American cinema, but has been in Spanish cinema since the 1970′s. He plays a hitman with his own unique set of principles.
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: Coen Brothers, film, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, No Country For Old Men, Tommy Lee Jones
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