2 February 2008 @ 20:59Another win for Blu-ray
I went to my mom and dad’s today and was surprised by what I saw as I walked into their den. Lo and behold, a 42″ 1080p Insignia LCD TV and a Sony BDP-S300 Blu-ray player. My parents are not, by any means, ones to jump on the latest technology trends. To me, this is a big deal — non-techie folks, shopping for an HDTV and an HD player, and choosing the higher priced of the two options.
As I did a bit of research, the 42″ Insignia seems like a great deal. It is a full-HD 1080p 42″ LCD for under a grand. It has a plethora of inputs on the back, as well as a few on the side.
You can only buy Insignia branded electronics at Best Buy, but the Sony BDP-S300 Blu-ray player can be found at a lot of different retailers. Check the following links for the best deals on the Sony BDP-S300:
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: blu-ray
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