7 March 2008 @ 14:29Vexille

The movie Vexille was recently brought to my attention, and when I watched it I was stunned by the animation and the action sequences. This movie isn’t quite like anything I have seen before, although for some reason I want to say that Vexille has a similar “attitude” as Titan A.E. that was made 7 years earlier. I think a lot of that similarity is due to the musical score.

Here is the official synopsis of the film:

From the creators of Appleseed, comes a Full CG animation Sci-Fi Action film. 2077 – 10 years has passed since Japan had decided to leave the United Nations to go into isolation. They have completely blocked the islands with an ultra magnetic field which prevents anyone to see what is going inside, nor for people to travel in/out of the country. This was a result to opposing to a treaty which UN has passed, preventing the development of all bio and robot technology which has evolved drastically and has become a threat to the human beings. When Japan finally begins to move, the US government sends in a special force team SWORD, lead by a female commander Vexille, to investigate what is really happening inside the closed country.

I must say that I will have to watch Vexille again, because I have surely missed important visual details while reading the subtitles as well as missing some subtitles when I was unable to pry my eyes from the stunning visuals.

You don’t have to be a fan of anime to enjoy this movie. I would recommend it to anyone who likes action and/or sci-fi.


I also want to say that the soundtrack is amazing. Paul Oakenfold scored the soundtrack for Vexille. Other artists on the soundtrack include Carl Craig, Basement Jaxx, Boom Boom Satellites, Prodigy, Dj Shadow, Asian Dub Foundation, M.I.A., Underworld, Black Strobe, Dead Can Dance, and Various Production.

The soundtrack consisting of 49 individual tracks can be downloaded right now from Amazon.

Download the Vexille Soundtrack

As for the DVD, if you want it now, you can purchase a copy from YesAsia.
Vexille (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Hong Kong Version) R3
They also have an HD DVD version, but I don’t believe it has English subs.
Vexille – 2077 Nihon Sakoku HD & DVD Standard Twin Pack (HD DVD & DVD) (Japan Version) R2

If you want to pre-order a US version of the Vexille DVD, you can do that via the link below. The release date is expected to be May 20, 2008.
Vexille (DVD) (English Subtitled) (US Version) R1 from Amazon.com.

Vexille Special Edition Blu-ray

Rent Vexille:

Vexille trailer

Here are some stills from Vexille to wet your appetite.









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