12 March 2008 @ 7:01$80 HD DVD player
I just noticed that Amazon is selling a Toshiba HD-A3 HD DVD player for $79.99. Not sure how long this deal will last (till they are gone maybe?), but if you were wanting to reap the benefits of the HD DVD vs. Blu-ray war, now is the time. One thing to note is that the HD-A3 only supports resolutions up to 1080i, not 1080p.
#2: Toshiba HD-A3 720p/1080i HD DVD Player — 1 min ago
Toshiba HD-A3 720p/1080i HD DVD Player
by Toshiba
Average Customer Review:
Buy new: $149.99 $79.99
(Ranking is updated hourly. Visit the Bestsellers in DVD Players & Recorders > HD DVD Players list for authoritative information on this product’s current rank.)
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: hd dvd player
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