17 March 2008 @ 15:32Tales of the Rat Fink
I watched Tales of the Rat Fink DVD over the weekend. If you don’t know who Rat Fink is, he is the creation of Ed “Big Daddy” Roth. Roth is best known for his award-winning show cars and his monster cartoon characters, like the one shown on the DVD cover. The documentary has a very entertaining style about it. Many of Roth’s memorable monster characters have been animated just for this documentary by Mike Roberts. Another interesting facet of the documentary is the way many of the photos are animated, as well as, sliced to provide an almost 3-dimensional look. The video includes narration by John Goodman, Ann-Margret, Jay Leno, Matt Groening, and many others.
This documentary includes some very interesting history of hot rods and custom cars as it pertains to Ed “Big Daddy” Roth. I learned a few things from the video such as: Ed Roth built the first all-fiberglass custom car, and he was one of the first people to ever airbrush and sell t-shirts. Ed Roth influenced American pop culture just as much as he influenced the custom car scene.
I found this DVD to be both visually and mentally stimulating.
You can find this DVD via the following links:
Amazon.com Tales of the Rat Fink
Amazon.co.uk Tales of the Rat Fink
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in art, dvd | Link to this