20 March 2008 @ 6:55Circuit City extends refund policy for HD DVD players
For those of you HD DVD early adopters who feel cheated by Toshiba giving up on the format, Circuit City is offering a limited time extension to their refund policy for HD DVD players.
I bought a first-generation HD DVD player. Can I get a refund?
Toshiba is not currently planning to make refunds available to early adopters of the hardware. However, if you purchased a Toshiba HD DVD player from Circuit City, you can return the player to your local store within 90 days of your purchase to receive your purchase amount back in the form of a Circuit City store credit. This credit can be applied to the purchase of a Blu-ray player or any other merchandise. This policy extension applies only to players and not to movies on HD DVD. (link)
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in hardware, hd dvd | Link to this