20 March 2008 @ 7:46Installed Ubuntu on PS3
I installed Ubuntu 7.10 on my PS3 using these instructions:
The installation was simple enough. I simply followed the on-screen instructions. There were a few problems though. My PS3′s internal wireless connection does not seem to be recognized. When I go to setup the network with a Manual Configuration, the only options are Wired and Modem. Wireless is not listed.
Setting the screen resolution was a bit tricky, and is still not perfect. I set the resolution to 720p using the command ps3videomode -v 3 -f
. This resulted in a great looking display, but with the upper and lower menu bars almost completely hidden by my television’s overscan. I did try setting the video mode without the -f
(which is for fullscreen mode), but that resulted in quite a large black border on the screen in conjunction with a much lower resolution. I’m not sure why this is happening or what I’m doing wrong. (instructions)
My main purpose in installing Linux on my PS3 is to have access to a computer with a Blu-ray drive.
By the way, the keyboard and Mighty Mouse from my wife’s iMac worked perfectly with the PS3. Even the mouse’s scroll ball worked.
by Jon | 2 comments | Posted in ps3, ubuntu | Link to this
You can’t steal the TV tonight until after 10PM, I was so watching that show! You are welcome though for the use of the keyboard and mighty mouse (I always told you that thing was great!). :-P
Of course. I will be watching Lost too.