24 March 2008 @ 8:56CBS cancels Jericho
I am very disappointed to hear that CBS has decided to cancel Jericho. There are only about three television shows that I watch on a regular basis, and Jericho is one of them. I knew that this week’s episode was a finale, but I was under the impression that it was simply a “season” finale, not the “series” finale.
For the seven-episode second season, producers shot two endings — one that leaves viewers in suspense for a third round, another that is more conclusive.(via The Hollywood Reporter)
It is this more conclusive episode that CBS has chosen to air and wrap up the Jericho series for good.
Buy the DVD:
Jericho Season 1 DVD from Amazon.com
Jericho Season 1 DVD from Amazon.co.uk
Jericho Season 2 DVD from Amazon.com
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in television | Link to this