24 March 2008 @ 8:05Switched
I switched from Ubuntu Linux on my PS3 to Yellow Dog Linux (YDL). You may wonder why? I don’t have any good reasons. It was basically just a matter of taking YDL for a test drive.
Saturday I downloaded the 3.7GB ISO of YDL 6.0. The YDL installation was a bit simpler than the Ubuntu installation, although neither were difficult. One difference that I notice right off hand is that YDL cannot read NTFS-formatted disks by default, whereas Ubuntu can. However, YDL can read HFS+formatted disks.
I may still give Ubuntu another try at some point.
One important note if you are interested in reading Blu-ray media, Blu-ray disks do not mount in either Ubuntu or YDL. I was able in YDL to use dd
to create an ISO image of a Blu-ray disk. Example:
dd if=/dev/scd0 of=/media/USB_drive/disc.iso
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in linux, ps3, yellow dog | Link to this