28 March 2008 @ 13:51Dell puts Blu-ray burner in sub-$1000 laptop

inspiron.jpgToday Dell announced that it will begin shipping its Inspiron 1525 laptop with either a Blu-ray combo drive or a Blu-ray burner. The Inspiron 1525 also features a 15.4″ lcd screen with 720p resolution. The high-definition video playback is enabled through a built-in dedicated accelerator (Broadcom Media PC technology) allowing for longer battery life than if the main cpu did all the decoding.

The Blu-ray player disc drive is fully backwards compatible, and will play as well as burn traditional DVDs and CDs. Consumers can also chose a Blu-ray burner drive, which is great for backing up and storing important files like digital photos, videos, financial records, etc. A Blu-ray disc will hold up to 50 GB of data, vs. 8.5 GB available on the typical DVD disc.

The Dell Inspiron 1525

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