19 May 2008 @ 16:03The Road and Viggo
I came across this post over at Twitch, which brought to my attention another film based on a Cormac McCarthy novel, The Road. This alone has me interested after seeing No Country For Old Men which was also based on a McCarthy novel. The Road is directed by John Hillcoat, whereas No Country was directed by the Coen Brothers. Anyway, upon reading a bit about The Road, I see that it stars Viggo Mortensen, Guy Pearce, Charlize Theron, and Robert Duvall, all fine actors.
Then I started reading up on Viggo a bit and found out that he is much more than an actor. He is a poet, a photographer, a painter, and a jazz musician. Check out the examples below for examples of Viggo Mortensen’s other talents.
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: cormac mccarthy, film, guy pearce, music, the road, viggo mortensen
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