14 June 2008 @ 20:36The Incredible Hulk (2008)
I went into this movie exactly 2 weeks after seeing Iron Man, and of course I had high expectations from Marvel Studios. Overall, I was not disappointed. Seeing the two movies so closely together, I can’t help but make some comparisons.
The opening credits of The Incredible Hulk started off in a somewhat fast-paced and vague manner of story-telling utilizing flashbacks to tell the story of the “accident”. I assume this was intended to spend more time on the action of the movie, and less on the “build-up”. Iron Man, on the other hand, spent a lot more time building the story and less on the action.
There was a good bit more action in The Incredible Hulk than Iron Man and not so much humor. I think the balance of humor and action is what made me enjoy Iron Man somewhat more than The Incredible Hulk.
Bruce Banner is played by Edward Norton who did a fine job of acting. He very believably portrayed a man living with an unwanted condition. I also enjoyed William Hurt as General Ross — a man whose only interest is to create a better soldier while risking the life of his own daughter. Liv Tyler? Well she was just Liv Tyler. Tim Roth and Tim Blake Nelson also turned in some good performances.
One thing I didn’t realize until after leaving the theater, was who played the security guard that Bruce Banner bribed with a pizza — Lou Ferrigno, the actor who played the Hulk in the 1978 TV show “The Incredible Hulk”. Very cool to see him.
The Incredible Hulk was preceded by both a television series by the same name and another movie (Hulk). In my opinion, the latest Hulk movie easily bested its predecessors.
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: edward norton, film, Liv Tyler, the incredible hulk, william hurt
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