27 July 2008 @ 21:27Terry Gilliam and Johnny Depp to give Quixote another try

Terry Gillam and Johnny Depp on the set of The Man Who Killed Don QuixoteTerry Gilliam and Johnny Depp are looking to give The Man Who Killed Don Quixote another try. Seven years since the disaster-ridden attempt to complete the film, Gilliam and Depp have been in talks to put together a deal on this project. Both men have more experience and more confidence this time around.

The rumor is that Michael Palin will be playing Quixote instead of Jean Rochefort.

Gilliam plans to restart production of Quixote on 2009.

Let’s hope that this time around, disaster will not strike.

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  1. jeremy | 28 Jul 2008 @ 8:36 #

    AWESOME! (the Caps indicate how excited I am to hear this) :)

    There was about 15 minutes of footage shot for this film years ago, but for whatever reason, they could not complete it. Also with Depp and Palin… I expect great performances! The Depp-Gilliam team worked great in Fear and Loathing!

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