5 August 2008 @ 13:22Sony XEL-1 OLED HDTV

Have you heard about the Sony XEL-1 11-inch OLED HDTV? This 1080p display is only 3mm thick and uses 40 percent less energy than a comparable LED display. Also of note, OLED displays can prevent light emission when reproducing shades of black, resulting in very deep blacks and a contrast ratio of over 1,000,000:1. The lack of a backlight gives this type of display a range of brightness all the way from zero (pitch black) to its brightest setting.

The XEL-1 features the connectivity options including two HDMI inputs, a digital tuner, and a Memory Stick media slot for viewing high-resolution photos. The XEL-1′s built-in tuner handles NTSC, CATV, ATSC, and Clear QAM signals.

The “cool” factor on this TV ranks pretty high.

11-inch Sony XEL-1 OLED HDTV at Amazon.com
11-inch Sony XEL-1 OLED HDTV at Amazon.co.uk
11-inch Sony XEL-1 OLED HDTV at SonyStyle

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