10 August 2008 @ 9:39Hell Ride – trailer
Here is the redband trailer for Hell Ride. I don’t know how I hadn’t heard of this movie up till now, but it looks like it is going to be a lot of fun. The release date according to the official movie site is August 8, 2008, but that must be a limited release. Judging by people who have seen this movie, it’s a “love it” or “hate it”.
Written and Directed by: Larry Bishop
Starring: Larry Bishop as Pistolero, Dennis Hopper as Eddie ‘Scratch’ Zero, Michael Madsen as The Gent, Vinnie Jones as Billy Wings, Eric Balfour as Comanche
Produced by: Quentin Tarantino
Continue below to view the trailer. This trailer is NSFW.
by Jon | 1 comment | Tags: Dennis Hopper, Eric Balfour, film, Hell Ride, Hell Ride trailer, Larry Bishop, Michael Madsen, movie trailer, Quentin Tarantino, Vinnie Jones
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yeah, I’ll be seeing that…
I’m sure they used the same movie trailer guy that Tarantino used in the Grindhouse movies.