21 August 2008 @ 9:56Chapter 27 (2007)
A co-worker mentioned to me the movie, Chapter 27, and after getting a chance to watch it, I am very impressed by it.
Chapter 27 is the retelling of the events leading up to the murder of John Lennon by Mark David Chapman, with a look into the mind of the killer.
Jared Leto gives an outstanding performance as Chapman. His character is quirky and disturbed, and despite the seriousness of the situation, he gives us moments that we can laugh at, and oddly enough moments that endear us to him.
Lindsay Lohan has a small role in the movie, but not anything terribly memorable. Judah Friedlander turns in a good performance as well and has maybe a bit more screentime than Lohan, but in the end all the other actors in Chapter 27 are shadowed by Leto’s performance.
I also felt like the soundtrack was extremely well-done, and fit (or created?) the mood of the movie very well.
I understand that some people have a strong opposition to this movie, because they feel like it is giving Mark David Chapman what he wanted — fame. However, I feel like what he did brought him as much fame as an act like that can. This movie adds nothing to that. This is simply an interpretation of the events that transpired. We as humans are always asking “why” when tragedies occur. Chapter 27 seems to be nothing more than attempt to answer that question, but it does so with some great acting and filmmaking.
I highly recommend Chapter 27.
Memorable quotes:
“I swear to God I was the only normal bastard in that lousy dump.”
“You don’t have to be nervous. I’m not a weirdo.”
Directed by: J.P. Schaefer
Starring: Jared Leto, Lindsay Lohan, Judah Friedlander
Rated: R
Buy the DVD:
Chapter 27 (2007) DVD at Amazon.com
Chapter 27 (2007) DVD at Amazon.co.uk
Chapter 27 (2007) DVD at Amazon.ca
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: Chapter 27, Chapter 27 trailer, film, J.P. Schaefer, Jared Leto, Judah Friedlander, Lindsay Lohan
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