22 August 2008 @ 6:46Sukiyaki Western Django – trailer
Here is the trailer for Sukiyaki Western Django. It looks like an entertaining and violent flick.
Set during “The Genpei Wars” at the end of the 1100s, the Minamoto and Taira gangs face off in a town named Yuda, while a deadly gunman (Ito Hideaki) comes to the aid of the townsfolk.
Directed by: Takashi Miike
Starring: Hideaki Ito, Masanobu Ando, Koichi Sato, Kaori Momoi and Yusuke Iseya, Quentin Tarantino
Release Date: August 29, 2008
Rated: R
by Jon | 2 comments | Tags: film, Hideaki Ito, Kaori Momoi, Koichi Sato, Masanobu Ando, movie trailer, Quentin Tarantino, Sukiyaki Western Django, Sukiyaki Western Django trailer, Takashi Miike, Yusuke Iseya
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It looks like cheesy violent fun. I do get tired of seeing Quentin Tarantino act though. His talent as a director is undeniable, but his acting is cringe-worthy to me.
Isn’t this the director that normally does Japanese horror movies?
Yeah, Takashi Miike has directed quite a few Japanese horror movies. Check out some of them here.