24 September 2008 @ 8:11‘Moby Dick’ as an action movie?
According to Variety, a screenplay for Moby Dick is currently being penned by Adam Cooper and Ben Collage with Timur Bekmambetov (director of Wanted) set to direct it. Moby Dick will have a graphic novel style to it, much like 300 had.
“Our vision isn’t your grandfather’s ‘Moby Dick,’ ” Cooper said. “This is an opportunity to take a timeless classic and capitalize on the advances in visual effects to tell what at its core is an action-adventure revenge story.”
I would love to see how this turns out. It sounds like a cross between Jaws and 300.
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: Adam Cooper, Ben Collage, film, Moby Dick, Timur Bekmambetov
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