2 October 2008 @ 8:03Nintendo announces DSi

Nintendo DSiNintendo revealed the details on their new DSi portable gaming device. Compared to the DS Lite, the DSi has slightly larger 3.25-inch screens, and overall the DSi is 4mm wider and 2.6mm thinner than the DS Lite. The DSi is also 4g lighter than the DS Lite.

The DSi dropped the GBA slot, and instead has an SD slot which means that photos taken with one of the DSi’s two built-in cameras (640×480 resolution) can be saved the the SD card and viewed on a Wii. Improvements have also been made to the DSi audio.

The DSi will have web browser and will have access to the new DSi Shop whereby users can buy and download games directly to the DSi.

The DSi will be available in white or black.

The DSi will be released in Japan on November 1 for a retail price of ¥18,900 (USD$180). US buyers will have to wait until sometime in 2009 to pick up a DSi.

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Nintendo DSi

Nintendo DSi

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