6 November 2008 @ 11:41WPA cracked?
Security researchers Erik Tews and Martin Beck claim to have found a way to break the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) key, used by WPA, in a relatively short amount of time: 12 to 15 minutes. They have not however cracked the encryption.
The exploit is performed by getting the WPA router to send a large amount of data which is then subjected to a “mathematical breakthrough”.
Tews will discuss his findings at the PacSec conference in Tokyo next week.
In short, if you are using TKIP encryption on a wireless network that supports AES encryption, switch to AES and you will be immune to this specific attack.
Update: Ars Technica goes into more detail on the TKIP exploit.
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: erik tews, tkip, wep, wifi, wireless networking, wireless security, wpa
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