13 November 2008 @ 8:46O’Horten – trailer
Here is the trailer for the Norwegian film O’Horten.
The moment the train leaves the station without train driver Odd Horten aboard, he realizes that the path ahead is a journey without printed timetabels and well-known stations. Horten has retired, and the platform does not feel like a safe place anymore.
Director: Bent Hamer
Starring: Espen Skjonberg, Ghita Norby, Bjorn Floberg, Henny Moan, Bjarte Hjelmeland
Release Date: February 20, 2009
Rated: PG-13
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: Bent Hamer, Bjarte Hjelmeland, Bjorn Floberg, Espen Skjonberg, film, Ghita Norby, Henny Moan, movie trailer, O'Horten
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