25 January 2009 @ 19:50On the Road with Judas (2007)
On the Road with Judas is a film written and directed by J.J. Lask and based on his own book by the same name.
On the Road with Judas is a peculiar film which is a story that contains a lot of other stories. The story centers around Judas and his relationship with Serra. Meanwhile, Judas leads a secret life of stealing things, namely computers.
We are presented the story as viewers of a talk show interview of the “real” characters as well as the actors playing the characters. At first I thought, “This is going to be confusing!”, however the movie really flowed and made a lot of sense.
On the Road with Judas was well-directed and well-acted on all accounts. The cast features Aaron Ruell, Kevin Corrigan, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Amanda Loncar, Eleanor Hutchins, Alex Burns, Leo Fitzpatrick, and even briefly Jim Parsons.
If you get the chance, and are interested seeing a uniquely directed film, I highly recommend seeing On the Road with Judas.
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: Aaron Ruell, Alex Burns, Amanda Loncar, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Eleanor Hutchins, film, J.J. Lask, Jim Parsons, Kevin Corrigan, Leo Fitzpatrick, On the Road with Judas
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