5 February 2009 @ 17:32My Name Is Bruce
My Name Is Bruce is a typical Bruce Campbell movie, except that Bruce Campbell plays himself. If you like Bruce Campbell, you will more than likely enjoy My Name Is Bruce. If you don’t like Bruce Campbell, or don’t know who he is, or don’t like comedy horror movies, then I wouldn’t recommend this one.
Having said that, My Name Is Bruce involves the small mining town of Gold Lick, Oregon which is having a slight problem — a problem that goes by the name “Guan-Di”. Guan-Di is the Chinese god of war and protector of the dead.
Bruce Campbell, B-movie hero, is recruited (kidnapped) to save the town. Thinking that this is just a new acting job, Bruce plays along, unaware of the real danger.
I found the movie to be a lot of fun. From the cheesy effects, to the humor, to little details like a glass liquor bottle bouncing while making a shattering sound, it all works.
Directed by Bruce Campbell.
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by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: Bruce Campbell, comedy, film, horror, My Name Is Bruce
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