11 February 2009 @ 19:48Just Buried
Just Buried is a dark comedy that would fit right in with some of the Coen Brothers‘ titles such as Fargo and The Ladykillers.
Oliver Whynacht (Jay Baruchel) just inherited his dead father’s nearly bankrupt funeral home, because his father wanted him to have something. In order to keep the funeral home afloat, Oliver and and the mortician, Roberta (Rose Byrne), start knocking people off in order to bring in the extra business.
Baruchel and Byrne are outstanding and made me laugh even during some disgusting moments. Having said that, if the thought of handling a dead body makes you queazy, this might not be the movie for you.
I highly recommend seeing Just Buried. As for myself, I will be watching it again.
Directed by: Chaz Thorne
Starring: Jay Baruchel, Rose Byrne
Amazon | Amazon UK | Walmart
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: Chaz Thorne, dark comedy, film, Jay Baruchel, Just Buried, Rose Byrne
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