25 February 2009 @ 11:34Wrestle Jam soundtrack
As a fan of The Wrestler and vintage Nintendo, I found the scene were The Ram and a kid play Wrestle Jam ’88 pretty cool.
Wrestle Jam is a work of fiction, a faux NES game created specifically for the film by motion graphics artist Kristyn Hume and programmer Randall Furino. The brother and sister team created the game from scratch, taking influence from 8-bit fighting games like Nintendo’s Pro Wrestling and Acclaim’s WWF Wrestlemania. #
The video below has the full soundtrack of Wrestle Jam ’88 as created for the movie.
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: 8-bit, Darren Aronofsky, film, game, Kristyn Hume, Mickey Rourke, Nintendo, Ram Jam, Randall Furino, Randy The Ram Robinson, The Wrestler, Wrestle Jam
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