11 March 2009 @ 7:23Apple introduces new iPod shuffles

iPod shuffleThis new iPod shuffle is freaking amazing! And small! It comes in silver or black, and is only $79.

Buy the new 4GB iPod shuffle:
Apple | Amazon | Amazon UK

From the Apple press release:

Apple® today introduced the all-new iPod® shuffle, the world’s smallest music player at nearly half of the size of the previous model, and the first music player that talks to you. The revolutionary new VoiceOver feature enables iPod shuffle to speak your song titles, artists and playlist names. The third generation iPod shuffle is significantly smaller than a AA battery, holds up to 1,000 songs and is easier to use with all of the controls conveniently located on the earphone cord. With the press of a button, you can play, pause, adjust volume, switch playlists and hear the name of the song and artist. iPod shuffle features a gorgeous new aluminum design with a built-in stainless steel clip that makes it ultra-wearable.

iPod shuffle

iPod shuffle

iPod shuffle

iPod shuffle

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Twitter chatter:

  1. The_LynnyLyn (Lynette Cox) | 49 mins ago
    My train was somewhat late, but, thanks to my new iPod shuffle and Dylan's soothing voice, I don't mind too much. #joshuaisastar
  2. emmarosamund (Emma Chapman) | 59 mins ago
    Setting up your Mum's new iPod shuffle and putting Bon Iver, Noah Gunderson, First Aid Kit and the Staves on as well as her favourites.
  3. mminthecity (okkk, i'm still nala) | 3 hours ago
    i think i'm gonna get a new iPod shuffle....
  4. penguinations (The Penguin) | 12 hours ago
    The new iPod shuffle http://t.co/rikDlSQ5 #Apple
  5. genexige (Gene ) | 16 hours ago
    iTunes tells me the new ipod shuffle is syncd.......where's the effin music then?!!!! Hate doin this shit!!
  6. davidbagga (David Bagga) | 17 hours ago
    Off to the apple store to buy a new iPod shuffle (yes shuffle)and window shop at foot locker because they don't carry size 15's. #comeonman
  7. AshleyElliott14 (Ashhhh✌) | 19 hours ago
    I can't wait to run tomorrow with my new iPod shuffle thanks to the boyyyfff**
  8. beckyillidge (Becky Illidge) | 20 hours ago
    actually loving this new ipod shuffle, it's so cute.
  9. dcrist12 (Donna Crist) | 22 hours ago
    @Ilibagiza So happy 2 share that I synced with my new Ipod shuffle The Rosary,Chaplet of Divine Mercy & from ur CD 7 Sorrows of Mary Rosary.
  10. mollyjdrew (Mollie Drew) | 1 day ago
    really excited to listen to ma new iPod shuffle at the gym later…


  1. jeremy | 11 Mar 2009 @ 15:58 #

    that black one is calling my name… must resist!!!

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