12 May 2009 @ 6:50Moving Water

img_9940We went on a hike over the weekend just outside of Cheaha State Park. It was probably only a 1/2 mile hike back to a waterfall which I think is called Devil’s Den Falls. All I took was the camera and the attached lens.

I was asked by a friend, “What did you do to get the water to turn out like that? My waterfall pics never look like that.”

In “Aperture Priority” mode (Av), I closed the aperture to to its smallest setting and set the ISO to its lowest setting. This allowed me to use a slower shutter speed in the daylight which in these photos was 1/3 to 1/8 second. To avoid any camera shake, I set the camera on a rock and used the timer. Of course, this could be accomplished in Shutter priority mode as well. Slow down the shutter speed, and allow the camera to adjust the aperture accordingly.

You don’t have to have an expensive camera to get photos like these. You just need a camera with some manual adjustments.

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  1. Jasper | 14 May 2009 @ 4:00 #

    A friend of mine took such a picture in Zion National Park of me without me knowing so. Lucky for him I was standing still for 30 seconds ;)

    Check it out:

  2. Jon | 14 May 2009 @ 4:52 #

    Nice photo!

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