13 July 2009 @ 8:06Brothers – trailer

Here is the trailer for Brothers.

When a decorated Marine goes missing overseas, his black-sheep younger brother cares for his wife and children at home—with consequences that will shake the foundation of the entire family. BROTHERS tells the powerful story of two siblings, thirtysomething Captain Sam Cahill (Tobey Maguire) and younger brother Tommy Cahill (Jake Gyllenhaal), who are polar opposites. A Marine about to embark on his fourth tour of duty, Sam is a steadfast family man married to his high school sweetheart, the aptly named Grace (Natalie Portman), with whom he has two young daughters (Bailee Madison, Taylor Grace Geare). Tommy, his charismatic younger brother, is a drifter just out of jail who’s always gotten by on wit and charm. He slides easily into his role as family provocateur on his first night out of prison, at Sam’s farewell dinner with their parents, Elsie (Mare Winningham) and Hank Cahill (Sam Shepard), a retired Marine.

Director: Jim Sheridan
Cast: Natalie Portman, Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Sam Shepard
Release date: December 4, 2009

Click here to watch the trailer


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Twitter chatter:

  1. x17online (X17online.com) | 1 min ago
    Katie Holmes And Jake Gyllenhaal Reportedly Hooking Up http://t.co/QcWWicuK
  2. SinGles23 (SinGles) | 1 min ago
    Katie Holmes And Jake Gyllenhaal Reportedly Hooking Up: Are they or aren't they?! Katie Holmes and Jake Gyllenha... http://t.co/MTC5RzB4
  3. FeerSilva (FeerSilvah) | 1 min ago
    Katie Holmes And Jake Gyllenhaal Reportedly Hooking Up: Are they or aren't they?! Katie Holmes and Jake Gyllenha... http://t.co/HQypMpgh
  4. beyzacakirrr (Beyza ⋈) | 1 min ago
    @CaglarErtugrul naber jake gyllenhaal :)
  5. KatieHolmes66 (Katie Holmes News) | 2 mins ago
    #Actress #Fashion Katie Holmes and Jake Gyllenhaal: New couple alert? - http://t.co/y8zAPg3P (blog) http://t.co/erpO3T0b #Cinema
  6. redetvprogramas (RedeTVprogramas) | 3 mins ago
    Assessor nega namoro de Katie Holmes e Jake Gyllenhaal http://t.co/JRxadz2j
  7. SabRojas (Severn.) | 3 mins ago
    @DaaniaCastillo Ay y Anne Hathaway, Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis t_t
  8. hoevana (Jhovana Aguilar) | 4 mins ago
    How is it possible for Natalie Portman to be so perfect ? Ugh. Love me.
  9. backup_diana (lady di) | 4 mins ago
    Natalie Portman is one of my favo actreess
  10. MaQqitaDelVa (MaQqita†) | 4 mins ago
    Es muy fea la novia de Jake Gyllenhaal dios mio!


  1. Jeremy | 13 Jul 2009 @ 21:08 #

    that looks like it could be a great movie. Definitely an improvement over “Pearl Harbor”… you know, the general plots are kinda the same…

  2. Jon | 13 Jul 2009 @ 21:22 #

    Yeah, I’ve heard other people mention the similarity to Pearl Harbor, but it didn’t occur to me immediately.

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