25 July 2009 @ 9:25Inexpensive iPhone Covers

You know those cellphone-cover-kiosks in the mall where they have just about any case you can imagine for just about any phone, and the salesman there is no less of a smooth-talker than your typical used car salesman? To close the sale he’ll make some sort of comment like, “You’re such a good customer, I’ll sell you this case for only $15. It normally sells for $20.”

Fortunately, I found BudgetGadgets.com where I was able to get three iPhone covers for less than half of the price of one cover at the mall. Yes, for the same amount of money as I would have spent at the mall, I could have bought about 8 different iPhone covers.

The first, and probably my favorite iPhone cover from BudgetGadgets.com come is the Red Hard Cover for the iPhone 3G/3G S. This cover sells for under $2.

Easy on and off
Slightly rubberized finish for better grip
Stylish red finish

Cons (only minor)
Has some mold lines that probably could have been sanded smooth before the finish was applied.
The cutout for the dock connector and speakers is slightly rough.

Red Hard Cover
Red Hard Cover
Red Hard Cover

Next is the Hard Black “Ed Hardy” Cover for iPhone 3G/3G S. This cover is also available in white, and sells for under $3.

Looks great
Easy to to snap on

Somewhat difficult to remove

Black Hard Cover
Black Hard Cover
Black Hard Cover
Black Hard Cover

The next case is the Silicon Case Skin for iPhone 3G/3G S. This case is available in black (as shown) as well as pink, red, blue, and white. This case sells for under $2.

Easy on and off
Protects back as well as the front edges/corners of the iPhone

Not all the openings line up perfectly with buttons and ports
Picks up more dust than a hard case

Silicone Case
Silicone Case
Silicone Case
Silicone Case
Silicone Case

If those prices aren’t low enough, you can even an additional 5% off your total at BudgetGadgets.com by using the coupon code JM5OFF16 at checkout. While you’re there, you might want to check out the rest of their iPhone accessories.

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  1. Hockey lover reb | 12 Oct 2009 @ 12:54 #

    I can’t find first generation iPhone covers! Plese help!!!!!!!

  2. omgs | 08 Feb 2010 @ 21:04 #

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