4 August 2009 @ 7:45Palm files complaint over Pre to iTunes syncing
By masquerading their Pre as an iPod, Palm was able to sync the Pre to iTunes — a “feature” which Palm refers to as “Palm Media Sync”. Apple then disabled this unsupported feature when it released iTunes v8.2.1. Apple even responded to the issue of unsupported media players with this support article — iTunes: About unsupported third-party digital media players. Now, Palm is successfully syncing the Pre with iTunes by fooling iTunes software into recognizing the phone as an Apple music player.
Despite Palm’s current success with iTunes syncing, a future update from Apple will undoubtedly break the connection between the Pre and iTunes once again. Because of this, Palm has filed a complaint with the USB Implementers Forum claiming Apple is restraining trade by inhibiting compatibility with Palm’s device. Unfortunately, Palm may have shot themselves in the foot with their latest tactics which have raised some eyebrows among those who think that Palm’s approach itself is a breach of the standards set by the USB governing board.
[via The New York Times]
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: apple, itunes, music, Palm Inc, Palm Pre, sync, USB, USB Implementers Forum
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