20 August 2009 @ 10:46Avatar – teaser trailer

Here is a teser for James Cameron‘s Avatar.

AVATAR takes us to a spectacular new world beyond our imagination, where a reluctant hero embarks on a journey of redemption and discovery, as he leads a heroic battle to save a civilization. The film was first conceived by Cameron 14 years ago, when the means to realize his vision did not yet exist. Now, after four years of actual production work, AVATAR delivers a fully immersive cinematic experience of a new kind, where the revolutionary technology invented to make the film, disappears into the emotion of the characters and the sweep of the story.

Director: James Cameron
Cast: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, Sigourney Weaver

Click here to watch the trailer


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Twitter chatter:

  1. abiennovan (abien novant) | 58 mins ago
    @andibachtiar trus di kita masih ribut masalah FFI di holliwut james cameron lg bikin avatar 2 ..
  2. Alecz_Bucur (Alecz Bucur) | 2 hours ago
    James Cameron susţine originalitatea lui Avatar. Cineastul descrie cum a ajuns la povestea filmului http://t.co/iF5zOg7s
  3. mmcelhaney (Marcus McElhaney) | 3 hours ago
    cosplayingwhileblack: X Character: Neytiri Series: James Cameron’s Avatar http://t.co/SauHfNbp
  4. TheSamWicked (Sam Wicked) | 4 hours ago
    Avatar: The Field Guide to Pandora: A Confidential Report James Cameron's Avatar: http://t.co/zOH4DPgL #Free shipping #RT #ComicCon
  5. Mulla_man (Abdullah al-mulla) | 4 hours ago
    I was recently found out to be a character in the James Cameron film Avatar http://t.co/R8QqOQhD
  6. Berita_TI (Berita Teknologi) | 5 hours ago
    RT @aspalroboh Kalo The Hobbit ini 48 fps, Si James Cameron bakal pake 3D HFR 60 fps di Avatar 2 :D Teknologi kameranya lagi di riset tapi.
  7. itsRhysy (Rhys) | 5 hours ago
    "The lesson I learned from Kubrick was, never do the same thing twice." - James Cameron. In other news, Avatar 2 & 3 have been announced.
  8. aspalroboh (Amri Novan) | 5 hours ago
    Kalo The Hobbit ini 48 fps, Si James Cameron bakal pake 3D HFR 60 fps di Avatar 2 :D Teknologi kameranya lagi di riset tapi.
  9. tanjaiversen (tanja iversen) | 6 hours ago
    #YourVideo Avatar (2009), Instruktør: James Cameron, Medv.: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver (100008904814_US)
  10. Ty1erWood (Tyler Wood) | 10 hours ago
    RT @kingkaleb14: Just watched Pocahontas for the first time with @MeganLane625 It's a total rip off of Avatar! James Cameron should sue ...

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