10 September 2007 @ 11:23iPhoneSIMfree unlocking available

September 10th is here, and so is iPhoneSIMfree’s unlocking application, but not without controversy. Previously, iPhoneSIMfree stated that their unlocking tool would be available to wholesalers/resellers only. Today, it is available to the general public at $99 per license. That’s pretty steep if you ask me, especially if you read their disclaimer.

Please be aware you are purchasing software that will be installed on your computer which will unlock your phone via wifi. In the event Apple comes out with a new firmware upgrade which will lock your phone again you hereby agree that Wireless Imports nor its vendor will be held liable or responcible for unlocking your handset again. If your handset becomes locked you will be charged to unlock it again.

The best way to go about doing a firmware upgrade is reading websites like www.tuaw.com or www.Engadget.com when a new firmware is released to see if it will relock your handset. Afterwards the choice is yours about how you wish to move forward. Also please ask us prior to assuming if we can unlock new firmware locks as it might not be possible as soon as the new software is released.

Yes, you read that correctly. “If your handset becomes locked you will be charged to unlock it again.” How’s that for customer service! This means that if Apple plugs this hole, which is very likely, you have to pay another $100 to get your iPhone functional again. The alternative would be to never update your iPhone, in which case you would never see new features or security fixes.

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