3 December 2007 @ 8:05Entertainment for the Road

82-146-076-05.jpgWe have a road trip coming up, and with three kids in the car, we definitely need some entertainment for them. I found these headrest mount LCD displays at Newegg for an incredible price. A lot what I found while I was looking were displays that included a DVD player, but I surely didn’t need that as I already have a portable DVD player with video out, as well as a video iPod.

The unit is a 5.6inch LCD monitor with remote. I would have preferred a 7inch display, but at $54.99 each for these 5.6inch models, I couldn’t justify the premium that I would have had to pay for larger screens.

Now I have to find a RCA-jack video splitter. If anyone out there knows where to find one, let me know, otherwise, I will probably stop by RadioShack to see if they have one.

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