18 June 2008 @ 22:26Cherrypal to sell a 2-watt cloud computer
Cherrypal, Inc. will introduce a 10.5 ounce cloud computer that uses a mere 2 watts of electricity. That is about 80% less power than the average PC. The Cherrypal PC will utilize Freescale’s new 400MHz MPC5121e mobileGT processor, and should have most everything the average computer user would need, with the exception of an optical drive. The Cherrypal PC will run on a modified Debian OS. The price has not yet been revealed, but Cherrypal is proclaiming it as the “most affordable on the market.”
The Cherrypal features:
- Freescale’s MPC5121e mobileGT processor, 800 MIPS (400 MHz) of
processing - 256GB of DDR2 DRAM
- 4GB NAND Flash-based solid state drive
- WiFi 802.11b/g Wi-Fi
- Two USB 2.0 ports
- One 10/100 Ethernet with RJ-45 jack
- One VGA DB-15 display out jack
- Headphone level stereo audio out 3.5mm jack
- 9vDC 2.5mm 10 watt AC-DC adapter power supply
- 10.5 ounces
- 1.3″ high, 5.8″ x 4.2″ wide
[via engadget]
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: cherrypal pc, cloud computer, energy efficiency
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