12 November 2008 @ 8:36Cray XT Jaguar now world’s fastest computer
Cray has recently regained the title of “world’s fastest computer” with their XT Jaguar which is the result of a partnership among DOE, ORNL and Cray.
The Cray XT Jaguar uses over 45,000 of the latest quad-core Opteron processors from AMD and features 362 terabytes of memory and a 10-petabyte file system. The machine has 578 terabytes per second of memory bandwidth and unprecedented input/output (I/O) bandwidth of 284 gigabytes per second to tackle the biggest bottleneck in leading-edge systems—moving data into and out of processors.
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: Cray, Cray XT Jaguar, DOE, high performance computing, ORNL, supercomputer
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