28 December 2008 @ 19:43Is it checkmate?
I’m no chess expert, but I know enough to try to teach my wife how to play. So, we got to this point. It is now the black’s turn to move (the clear piece). My pieces are the white ones. If the clear king takes the white queen, it will be moving into check. Any other space that the clear king can move into would also be check. I’m not sure if this is checkmate, but I don’t think it is stalemate either.
Chess experts, how does this game end?
by Jon | 11 comments | Tags: checkmate, chess, king, pawn, queen, stalemate
Posted in games | Link to this
This is checkmate. White’s queen is protected by White’s king so Black has no move to make.
I need to play more often and hone my chess skills.
:-( So, I lost both games. Again, tonight, I will try to defeat you.
This would be a stalemate if the King (or any other piece) couldn’t move, but wasn’t in check.
Hmm, if it is stalemate, then the game is a draw.
Actually I believe it is a stalemate. I don’t believe the clear king (black) can make a move that would endanger itself.
* is allowed to make a move that would endanger itself.
Seems to be a checkmate. Shake hands and move to round two.
Wow! Such differing opinions. I think my opponent is a bit scared… he has avoided my challenge. :-)
This is check mate. The Black King is in Check by the White Queen. There is no legal move left that would get the Queen out of check therefore mate.
typo…there is no move to get the King out of check.