30 December 2008 @ 8:09MSI unveils hybrid storage netbook U115

The MSI U115 looks like a pretty standard netbook both in form and in specs, but with one small exception — a hybrid SSD/HDD storage system.

The U115 Hybrid functions primarily with the SSD system, offering a reliable, shock-absorbent, and speedy operating environment. You have the option of choosing the SSD system while operating with Windows, and selecting the HDD hard drive for file storage. The SSD system if much faster than HDD when retrieving files and it takes up less power. It is also much more shock-absorbent while riding on the train or the MRT.

Furthermore, because of the MSI Exclusive Hybrid Storage Technology, the U115 Hybrid will temporarily disconnect the HDD system while operating in “ECO on Mode”. Retrieving and storing files will all be done with the SSD system, the battery life of U115 Hybrid is super long.* The HDD system can also be activated with a few simple functions for the large storage space.

MSI U115

[via MSI]

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