25 June 2008 @ 13:06The Ramp Movie
This may be a few months old, but I just saw it today. It’s about 30 minutes long, and pretty funny. It’s a “documentary” (viral video for the 2009 BMW 1-Series) by Jeff Schultz.
Oberpfaffelbachen is proud to host the first ever Rampenfest on 27th November. What is Rampenfest? Only the most amazing event in the history of Bavaria. To celebrate the launch of the new BMW 1-Series in America, we have constructed a gigantisch Ramp to launch a BMW 1-Series into America. Our ramp stands an impressive 454 meters – tall enough to launch a 300-horsepower 1-Series over the Atlantic and into America! This will be a monumental event for both Oberpfaffelbachen and America that you won’t want to miss. If you plan on joining the hundreds of thousands of tourists, journalists, foreign dignitaries for the festival, we recommend that you book hotel reservations quickly. [#]
You can buy some Rampenfest and Oberpfaffelbachen souvenirs from Evi Gruber’s Rampenfest Shop below – t-shirts, caps, mugs, steins, buttons, and posters.
[via rampenfest.com]
by Jon | Add a comment | Tags: bmw, oberpfaffelbachen, ramp movie, rampenfest, rampfest
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