19 September 2007 @ 8:48Video-out for the iPhone
As pointed out by Macenstein, this picture from the Engadget gallery shows the option of “TV Out” in what is most likely a simple software update of the iPhone.
One of my initial complaints of the iPhone was its lack of any video out option for watching videos on a TV. I am pleased to see this addition to the iPhone. Keep in mind, as I wrote about Apple crippling the “video out” on the new generation of iPods, you will not be able to use your old set of AV cables to connect your iPod or iPhone to a television. This all done through the dock connector now, and the adapter must be one with Apple’s authentication chip.
One other curiosity I see is the “Closed Captioning” option under the Video section. Are switchable subtitles a new feature of MP4′s that I haven’t heard of before?
by Jon | Add a comment | Posted in apple, iphone, ipod touch, video | Link to this