27 January 2010 @ 13:53The Apple iPad

Most everyone were expecting Apple to announce some sort of tablet device today, but still seeing it revealed, I think it is a lot cooler than we expected.

The iPad is powered by Apple’s own custom silicon. It’s called the A4 and runs at 1GHz. 16, 32, or 64GB of flash storage. It’s got the latest in wireless: 802.11n, WiFi, and Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR. Also included are: accelerometer, compass, speaker, mic, dock connector.

The one accessory that was announced that will be a hit is the keyboard dock.

All iPhone apps in the App Store will work on the iPad. They can be run at native resolution with a black border, or at 2x scale to fill the entire screen.

The iPad will ship in about 60 days from today, with the 3G models following another 30 days behind that. Keep checking the Apple Store.

Apple iPad pricing:
16GB — $499
16GB + 3G — $629
32G — $599
32GB + 3G — $729
64GB — $699
64GB + 3G — $829

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